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Our Partners

Our key partner is Afriforte—Metrics that Matter whose primary purpose is to convert human factor and workplace research efforts into practical management tools that enable businesses to successfully implement strategies that generate a more healthy and productive work environment. 


The OHFB workplace analytics system converts sophisticated statistical modelling into management language. It is the most advanced reporting system of its kind with practical applications that include:
predicting outcomes, cost implications, finding trends and determining high impact interventions. 


It has been operational in Europe, Africa and the Middle East for more than a decade, resulting in a comparative database of over 1.2 million responses to the survey instrument. This enables the generation of a wide range of reports that provide both an internal comparison of departments and teams against the company-wide results and an external comparison against a set of worldwide norms.


Afriforte was established in February 2005 as the commercial partner of WorkWell, The Research Unit for Economic and Management Sciences, at the North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa. 

The theoretical basis for the surveys and the reliability and validity of the assessments are derived from research since 1998 by North-West University and Afriforte in conjunction with international researchers mainly from EU countries.

Lisa is IHL's Canadian Lead and a senior consultant with specialties that include: Workplace productivity assessment; DEI assessment and intervention; Strategic planning and board development: and Workplace well-being.


She is a highly skilled, seasoned consultant whose commitment to workplace well-being and equity radiates into all her projects. Having worked for more than 30 years in Real Estate, Interior Design and Workplace Strategy, she brings an intersectional lens to uncover systemic barriers that may impede the development of her corporate clients. As a consultant, educator and coach, she then helps clients re-imagine future states that bring more energy to their organizations.


Lisa's deep curiosity about human well-being led her to become a yoga and meditation instructor as well as being a student of Ayurveda. She has certificates in Diversity and Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Psychological Safety in the Workplace and is also a Prosci certified change management practitioner. A faculty member for the International Well Build Institute (IWBI) and a WELL AP, she co-authored and published a groundbreaking paper on Workplace WELL being when she worked for Deloitte.

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